Einar Charles Larsen is a Norwegian author. A graphic designer by profession, and an Astronomic artist. Scientist at heart since childhood.
Want to Save the Environment?

For years, humans have been fighting to find a way to help Earth’s environment. They practically did almost everything possible. Still saving whatever they can, some even sacrifice their own hobbies just to be that good citizen who cares. They actively join groups and community and donate large sums to organization that are searching for a way to save our beloved planet. But all these years the most simple and most effective solution had never been mention. It had always been there, but no one seems to see it.Mr. Nobrain and The Environment take up this topic. This book will show you, through Mr. Nobrain and his actions, what we’re doing wrong and how to save Earth without sacrificing the comfort of life. All we need is to open our mind and see the great possibility that’s just within our reach.
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Universal eBook LinksPRINT: Amazon US | WaterstonesEbook: Kindle | Barnes&Noble | Apple | Rakuten Kobo | Thalia.de
Saving Earth is not a complicated thing. We don’t need to sacrifice the comfort of life. All we need is to open our mind and see the great possibility that’s just within our reach.
Art Samples

IMPORTANT NOTICE:The images in this gallery are in low resolution. Originally, all the motifs are in resolution 300 dpi, and with an area of about 6000 square cm. They all can be printed in all sizes up to full wall size. If it seems that the colors have too much saturation, please check your screen settings, this is especially seen on tablet and mobile screens.For an optimal gallery experience, use a desktop screen or monitor with the correct color setting. Select full screen, click a thumbnail to choose where to start and scroll to adjust the size of each art and title. To navigate between the art, use the side arrows, or in the main gallery (not room examples), use the button in the lower right corner for visual overview. Click esc. to exit the slideshow, or alternatively the upper yellow line (x) in the room examples.
Here are examples of how you can bring the universe into your rooms

It all started after a rainy summer night in the early 1960s. A young 4 years old boy strolled in the woods and spotted an illustrated science book among shrubs and grass. It was soaked with mud and water. Just a few pages about the era of the dinosaurs, and the last part about astronomy were readable. The boy bent down on his knees, blowing through the wet pages, and became very fascinated by an illustration of the sun. He could already read a little and he absorbed every word. When he later came home with the wet dripping book and told his mother about solar prominence, corona, and the umbra and penumbra to the sunspots, it was only him who understood that language.That lucky boy was me. Lucky to get an interest for a lifetime, which was not much offered to young people. My studies become even more fascinating when I saw astroart by David A Hardy. He became my great inspiration, especially later in life through the book the Challenge of the Stars. I aspired to create such images, but I was not much optimistic about the possibilities of marketing such art. Instead, I chose to use my artistic talents on graphic services for advertisement, but now after many years, I feel that astronomic art should be my passion in terms of art, where I feel more at home.In addition to dreaming of a reality that we are not yet fond of experiencing, creating astronomic art is a way for me to inspire others to learn more about the landscape beyond our cosmic home, the Earth. The knowledge of reality beyond the earth’s atmosphere is terrifyingly low, but by using images, every astronomic artist makes an important aid for humanity.I wrote the book “Mr. Nobrain and the Environment” with the intention to help contribute to saving our beloved planet without sacrificing our quality of life.Chat with me at Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EinarCharlesLarsen